Tomah Hospice & Palliative Care Staff Return to Madison

Tomah Health Hospice / Palliative Care Director Siera Willams, right, Hospice / Palliative Care Nurse Practitioner Michelle Theige, center, and Hospice / Palliative Care Nurse Practitioner Kim Casper testified in favor of establishing a Wisconsin Palliative Care Council during a hearing of the Wisconsin Senate Health Committee in Madison March 12.

Tomah Health Hospice / Palliative Care Director Siera Willams, Hospice / Palliative Care Nurse Practitioner Michelle Theige and Hospice / Palliative Care Nurse Practitioner Kim Casper testified in favor of establishing a Wisconsin Palliative Care Council during a hearing of the Wisconsin Senate Health Committee in Madison March 12.

Just one month ago, the three testified in favor of the bill before the Wisconsin Assembly Committee on Health, Aging and Long-Term Care in Madison on Feb. 12.

Williams said that creating a Palliative Care Council would help raise awareness and improve access to Palliative Care in Wisconsin. “Experts in the field could improve access to community based Palliative Care programs like ours, ensuring that all Wisconsinites who need this essential service can receive it,” said Williams.

Theige and Casper also cited the care by Tomah Health Hospice / Palliative Care staff in testimony favoring the bill. “The passing of this bill would have a significant positive impact for palliative care throughout Wisconsin. As the aging population continues to increase, the need for Palliative Care services will,” added Theige.
“This bill would allow an increase in their knowledge of Palliative Care, so they are more willing to utilize these services at the beginning of their diagnosis rather than waiting until they’re to the point where they’re more Hospice appropriate,” added Casper.

The proposed bill seeks to establish a 22-member Palliative Care Council within the Wisconsin Department of Health Services to provide recommendations to DHS to enhance accessibility to palliative care across the state, advocate for appropriate and sustainable reimbursement models, and offer insights into the economic and quality-of-life benefits of Palliative Care.

The bill was brought before the state legislature in the past but stalled in the Wisconsin Senate.

Tomah Health