Tomah Health Project Receives Support

TRICOR officials present a ceremonial check to Tomah Health officials
Tomah Health chief financial officer Joe Zeps, left and hospital CEO Phil Stuart, accepted a ceremonial check from TRICOR staff Frank Best, third from left, Jennifer Spotts, Dodde Fries, Terry Christen, Ann Randorf, LeAnn Neitzel, Derek Burnstad and Penni Zabinski.

TRICOR Insurance completed its ‘Pie in the Face’ fundraiser for the new Tomah Health project by presenting a $1,020 check to Tomah Health officials Wednesday.

“The new Tomah Health facility will be a milestone in our community and as a local business we wanted to give something back to the hospital,” TRICOR Insurance commercial producer Derek Burnstad said the fundraiser which began in September.

Every month, two TRICOR employees got a pie to the face for collecting the most funds in various milk gallon jugs at the company’s office on Superior Avenue. Six employees, including Burnstad took a pie in the face for the cause. “Our goal was to collect $1,000,” said Burnstad.

Tomah Health CEO Phil Stuart said the hospital is thankful for TRICOR’s support.

“Our success over the years has been a result of our community, so it is satisfying to see local businesses, like TRICOR, get behind our project,” said Stuart.

Tomah Health