Tomah Health & Versiti Seek Blood Donations


Tomah Health and Versiti Blood Center of Wisconsin officials are asking area residents to consider giving the gift of life by donating blood during a two-day blood drive Jan. 15 & 16 at Tomah’s Recreation Park. “Blood donations are no match for the reality of the winter months. Harsh weather in addition to seasonal illness takes a tremendous toll on blood usage and donations,” said Emalea Cogdill, Versiti Blood Center of Wisconsin account representative. “January is especially difficult coming off of the holidays when the blood demand outpaces incoming donations.”

To help meet the need, Tomah Health and Versiti Blood Center of Wisconsin are holding a two-day blood drive Jan. 15 & 16 from noon – 5 p.m. at Tomah’s Recreation Park, 1625 Butts Ave., Tomah. It’s the first of six drives scheduled in 2025.

In order to donate a person must be in good health, at least 17 years old, weigh at least 110 pounds and have photo identification. Sixteen-year-olds may also donate with parental consent. While the process for whole blood donation usually takes about one hour, the blood collection itself is usually about 10 minutes.

Cogdill said it is critical to keep plenty of blood available for area hospitals. “Our community hospitals, including Tomah Health, rely on the generosity of donors to give so that our friends, family and neighbors can receive the care they need,” said Cogdill.
Versiti Blood Center is a sole blood supplier to over 50 hospital systems in Wisconsin including Tomah Health.

Tomah Health and Versiti are holding six blood drives in 2025 with the first one scheduled Jan. 15 & 16 from noon – 5 p.m. at Recreation Park in Tomah.

To register for the Jan. 15 drive, CLICK HERE

To register for the Jan. 16 drive, CLICK HERE 

Tomah Health