Knee Replacement

Trust Your Knees to the Experts You Know

A runner gripping his knee in painDid you know the knee is the largest and one of the most important joints in the human body? It supports your body’s weight and plays a major role in most of your movements. If you’re experiencing knee problems, seek knee orthopedic care you can trust at Tomah Health.

The knee orthopedic experts at Tomah Health specialize in the following procedures:

  • Knee Arthroplasty—damaged bone and cartilage are replaced with an artificial joint
  • Arthroscopy of the knee—cartilage repair of torn meniscus and cartilage transplants
  • ACL reconstruction—anterior cruciate ligament sprain or tear

When to see a knee orthopedic specialist

If you have any of the following symptoms, our orthopedic experts can help you determine what knee procedure, or course of rehabilitation, is the best method to alleviate your pain and improve your mobility.

  • A knee that gives way or feels unstable during daily activities, including walking and climbing stairs
  • Knee pain
  • Inability to continue playing sports due to pain and stiffness

Why knee replacement?

Knee replacement procedure can help if you are experiencing severe knee pain or disability from:

  • Osteoarthritis—cartilage on the ends of your bone that help your hip joint glide is wearing thin
  • Rheumatoid arthritis—a chronic inflammatory disease that causes joint pain, stiffness and swelling
  • Traumatic Injury

Following any knee procedure, our orthopedic team works closely with our Rehabilitation Department to provide you a stronger and faster recovery.


Tomah Health