General Surgery

Surgical Care for Our Community

At Tomah Health, you’ll find an expert surgical team providing top-of-the-line care. Our highly skilled surgeons perform a wide range of general surgery procedures, including

  • Gallbladder removals
  • Hernia repairs
  • Bowel resections
  • Appendectomy
  • Hemorrhoidectomy
  • Cyst and Lipoma removal
  • Tubal Ligation (Female) and Vasectomy (Male)
  • Varicose vein removal

Tomah Health’s Surgical Department provides the latest surgical techniques with high patient and staff satisfaction. Our surgical team comprises some of the area’s leading board-certified surgeons who work to meet the community’s needs through a progressive approach to patient care.

Our highly skilled providers use advanced technology, such as the da Vinci Surgical System, to perform essential procedures in areas such as the Gastrointestinal system, Abdomen and its Contents, Skin and Soft Tissue, Pediatric Surgery, Surgical Critical Care, Surgical Oncology, Trauma and Emergency Surgery and Vascular Surgery.

We understand the anxiety that surgery can produce and strive to provide quality, compassionate, and informed care. Our newly redesigned patient care rooms provide a relaxing atmosphere close to home.

“I’ve really appreciated working with a smaller team and being able to have a personal experience with the patients that I’m involved with.” — Dr. Jason Collins, D.O., General Surgeon

Tomah Health