Vein Care Specialists Close to Home
Are your legs tired, heavy or achy? Do you have painful varicose veins? Do you have skin changes to your legs?
Many people think that lower leg swelling, and discoloration is cosmetic, but it is actually a physical condition we can treat. The underlying medical problem is vein valves that don’t work well. This is sometimes called venous insufficiency or venous reflux. We can evaluate you and perform an ultrasound to determine the amount of reflux in your legs.
Types of Treatment
Compression stockings – these can be over the counter or by prescription. Some insurance companies will assist with payment.
Radio Frequency Ablation (RFA) – A small thin tube is inserted into the vein, heated up, and this closes/heats up the vein behind it. This surgery prevents the backfilling of the vein, which will reduce swelling (edema) and pain in the lower legs. Eventually the vein will be reabsorbed by the body. This procedure is same day surgery.
Varithena – Clinic procedure performed under ultrasound guidance. Microfoam is delivered through an injection. The foam works quickly to redirect blood flow to healthier and stronger blood vessels. No general anesthesia or sedation and nearly painless.
Asclera – An FDA approved prescription medication injected in a clinic setting for the treatment of spider veins in the lower extremities.
Other treatment options:
VenaSeal – A minimally invasive surgical procedure where a small needle is used to inject a medical grade glue into the diseased vein, which collapses and permanently seals the vein off. Blood is then rerouted to nearby healthy veins.
Microphlebectomy – A minimally invasive surgical procedure that removes varicose veins through tiny incisions in the skin using a small hook.
To schedule an appointment with our specialist Dr. John Robertson III, contact our scheduling department at 608-377-8224.
Which of these legs may have Varicose Veins?
Answer: All of the above