Functional Job Analysis
- Assessment and measurement of the physical tasks required of your employees. The resulting functional job description is a valuable tool for prioritizing updates to equipment and processes, identifying injury risks and communicating with outside professionals about physical requirements at your facility. Functional Job Analysis is the first step in developing a pre-work screen or stretching program.
Proactive Injury Reduction
- Prevent unnecessary recordable injuries by providing your employees with access to a licensed occupational health provider who can assess whether their discomfort can be safely addressed with first aid or needs a higher level of care. When first aid is appropriate, we will help your employee find immediate relief with measures such as Kinesio tape or Active Release Techniques® (see below) and teach them how to optimize their self-care, speeding healing and minimizing disruption to their jobs and their lives.
Active Release Techniques (ART®)
- Hands-on massage-based technique for relieving muscle, joint or nerve discomfort. ART® can greatly reduce discomfort with a single treatment, and many problems are resolved within three visits. ART® is recognized by OSHA and the department of labor as wellness, prevention, or first aid measure and is highly effective in reducing recordable injuries in the categories of repetitive strain or strain/sprain.
Prework Screen
- Ensure potential employees have been offered a position they are physically capable of performing required job duties. The physical tasks included in your customized prework screen are designed to replicate actual job tasks using functional job analysis (see above). We include training in healthy body mechanics throughout the administration of the test. We take special measures during the development and validation process to ensure your use of the prework screen is compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act and other pertinent hiring regulations.
Stretching Program
- Designed by a licensed physical or occupational therapist and customized for your employees and the tasks they perform. We typically provide a DVD of the stretching program. However other formats are available if desired.
Workstation Ergonomic Evaluation
- Ensure your workstations are set up to minimize injury risk and optimize comfort, stamina, and performance. Workstation Ergonomic Evaluations are most commonly utilized for office workers but can be very helpful for all jobs.