Hospice Touch Earns 5-Star Rating

5 Star Reviews

Tomah Health Hospice Touch has been recognized as a five-star organization, placing it in the top hospices in the country.

“This recognition demonstrates that our compassionate patient-centered care, attention to detail and focus on quality improvement is recognized by our patients,” Tomah Health Hospice Touch / Life Choices Palliative Care Director Heidi Stalsberg, MSN, RN, said of the acknowledgement.

She said just 10-percent of hospices both nationally and in the state of Wisconsin picked up the five stars. Only 195 hospices of the 2,026 hospices in the United States have been awarded the rating that gives them the five-star status. The rating is scored through the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems Hospice Survey (CAHPS).

“To have CMS validate our efforts with a 5-star rating based on the experiences of our patients and families is an absolute honor,” Stalsberg added. “We are proud to provide a special kind of care to our patients and their families.”
Stalsberg said Hospice Touch received five stars in all but one of the individual categories with a four star rating in one.

The CAHPS Hospice Survey focuses on a variety of categories, including; communication with family, getting timely help, treating patients with respect, emotional and spiritual support, help for pain and symptoms, training family to care for the patient, rating of the hospice and willingness to recommend this hospice.

Care Compare on Medicare.gov is the official CMS website for publicly reporting quality measures for care provided by hospice and other health care providers. This site was created to help consumers compare hospice providers’ performance and assist consumers.

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Tomah Health